Why Rent a Fishing Kayak?

This year, 2021, is the first year that licensed fishing guides in Maryland are able to utilize pedal drive kayaks for operations. The laws were updated from “paddle powered” to “human powered” last summer and MD DNR regulations were just updated in December 2020 to catch up.

I provide a guide service here on St. Leonard Creek, but decided to go all-in and establish my own fleet of boats available for rental.

It is a solid offering for people that…

  • want to try pedal drive before purchasing (they are expensive $$$)
  • want a kayak at the ready and on the water when you are (they can be heavy to haul around and store)
  • are photographers (these super stable boats put you on the water quietly without a paddle)
  • are tourists that want to fish/explore the beauty of St. Leonard Creek (it’s gorgeous)

As you can see, we have fully rigged our Titan’s to FISH in comfort!

To rig these boats as we have approaches a $4k investment. A daily rental, or the purchase of a multi-use punch card, or purchasing a season pass is VERY cost effective.